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120 Min Online Support: Wireless to Wired

120 Min Online Support: Wireless to Wired

For bookings please click HERE


Book our Online Wireless to Wired Consultation and we'll advise the correct tech parts for your needs and budget.  We can also help you set it all up, ensuring you signficantly reduce your exposure to EMF's.


For all questions about EMF's and reducing your exposure to EMF's, including:


  1. how to reduce your exposure to EMF's in your home, work, car or in public
  2. which adaptors, cables and low EMF modems to use for ethernet cabling tablets/ipads, mobile/iphones, computers, printers, tv's, Nintendo Switch, speakers, smart devices and more
  3. which devices are the lowest EMF including: modem, mobile phone, baby monitor, desk phone, security system, portable speaker, smart TV, purifier, alarm clocks and more
  4. which bed canopy, shielding materials, personal protection clothing and accessories are best suited to reduce exposure in your home, work, car or out in public
  5. which EMF meter to choose and how to use it
  6. how to setup a low EMF sleep sanctuary or office space
  7. how to disable or shield wireless antennas in smart devices
  8. how to reduce or eliminate exposure to Dirty Electricity & wireless radiation from solar systems
  9. how to shield or reduce exposure to Smart Meters and electrical meter boxes
  10. how to reduce exposure to blue light
  11. how to search for mobile phone antenna sites in your area and how to interpret the reports
  12. what is electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome, how to reduce or manage symptoms and which medical professionals will help


We encourage clients to email a roughly drawn floorplan showing where the location of the modem/WiFi, electrical switch board, solar system mains unit, large electrical devices and label bedrooms. Photos of the electrical switchboard and areas of concern are really helpful. Please send these to


You may also like to consider buying or hiring one of our EMF meters before, during and after your online consult.  


Please include your question/s in the booking form and any information about preferred times to call or meet with you online. If we are "offline" when you make your booking, we will confirm your booking when we are next "online". We will do our best to meet with you at your preferred day and time.

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    aerial view of a forest of trees

    "Brilliant advise from extremely knowledgeable staff! No more headaches and insomnia at night and other bad effects since cabling the ipads, TVs and house.


    Definitely recommend these guys!"


    Gold Coast

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